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Russia to seek delay to container weight mandate

Editor:glafamily   Release time:2016-02-17   Browse:11592


Russia plans to later this month ask the International Maritime Organization to delay the container weight mandateby one year to July 1, 2017, even as it continues to prepare for the global rule.

Any country that is a signatory to the Safety of Life at Sea convention, under which the verified gross mass mandate draws authority, may delay implementation as long as they formally request an extension from the IMO before the July 1 deadline.

Russia will continue its preparations for mandate despite its potential delay, according to recent statements of Maxim Sokolov, Russia’s minister of transport, who is responsible for the shift of the industry to the new standard.

The SOLAS mandate will be introduced in Russia in the form of a new state standard that should summarize all the existing requirements for packaging and securing cargo in containers across all modes of transportation, according to a spokesperson for Sokolov.

Sokolov’s spokesperson refused to provide other details, saying “the work is continuing” and the new standard should also stimulate the introduction of innovative modes container transport in Russia.

Other details, regarding with the forthcoming mandate will be announced later this year, while the new standard may be in place by September, according to the ministry.

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