GLA HOME > GLA NEWS > Cargo Channels Pvt.Ltd become GLA Gloden membership
Editor:admin Release time:2017-02-25 Browse:12019
We have the honor to announce that Cargo Channels Pvt.Ltd. become GLA golden membership.
50-Kapashera, New Delhi-110037. India
Tel:+91-011-2506 9631
Contact: Mahesh Trikha
Comapany introduction:
It is often said the road to success is always under construction. When we started our operations in the year 1995 we knew that it would not be an easy task to attain the position of one of the prominent and leading International Freight Contractors and customs house brokers, performing freight forwarding operations globally to meet the transportation commitment of several leading local and multinational companies.
Since our inception we have set our standards high and have not only accomplished but surpassed our standards and objectives to meet the needs of businesses in today’s world of fluctuating trends and cultures.
Our focus has been to remain highly service-oriented and responsive to schedule changes, changing freight load levels, and routing demands. We at Cargo Channels place great emphasis on delivering high standards of service to our customers and offer a wide range of cargo services linked to our expanding international route network. You can count on us as your partner in national and international trade as we have got what it takes when it comes to moving the world.
Our experienced operations and commercial teams take great pride in delivering high performance and customer care levels. We believe that no business need is small and this is the reason why we personalize our services to serve and solve your logistics needs and problems.
We are based in New Delhi and have our branches in Mumbai (BOM), Chennai (MAA), Bangalore (BLR), Ahmedabad (AMD), Indore (IDR), Chandigarh (IXC) and associates in Jaipur (JAI), Cochin (COK), Kolkata (CCU), Hyderabad (HYD) etc. We are fully committed to providing cost efficient, time-bound, reliable, and best services in the field of freight forwarding and custom clearance.
Certificate:IATA / CNS , NVOCC , ISO 9001/9002 , FIATA , Import and export license
Welcome Cargo Channels Pvt.Ltd. to be GLA family membership.
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